About Me
Jiyeong Hong - Enthusiastic Environmental and Climate Researcher & Carbon Estimation Expert
To become a great research in my field, I am studying machine learning for more creative and innovative research about water resources I am very fond of eating foods from different countries. Love the fluffy dog, swimming, Cancun, snowboarding, Netflix, talking with friends while having great foods, and playing Just Dance.
- Degree: Currently Pursuing Ph.d, Earth & Environment Science at Boston University
- Email: jiyeong.hong.1@gmail.com
- Github: Click Here ->
- Google Scholar: Click Here
My Journies
Research Assistant in GIS Environment System Lab in Agricultural Engineering and Researcher in Water and Total Load Management Research Division in National Institute of Environmental Research. Now, I'm deep dive into Machine Learning to combine with GIS information
Boston University, Under Ph.D Course of Earth & Environment
2021 - Present
Boston, MA
Tools: Machine Learning, GIS, Tensorflow, SWAT, SATEEC, VFSMOD, Github, Linux(OS), AWS
Skills: Python, Fortran and R
South Dakota State University, Master of Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering
2015 - 2017
Brookings, South Dakota, United States
Skills: R, Fortran
Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering
2011 - 2014
Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, South Korea.
Professional Experience
Graduate Research Assistant
Aug, 2021 - Current
Boston, MA
Tools: GIS, Machine Learning(Tensorflow), Jupyter Notebooks, AWS, Linux, Git
Skills: Python, R
- Research Keyword: Hydrology, Water Quality, GIS, Machine Learning, Remote Sensing, Climate Change
- Her areas of research include data prediction utilizing machine learning, GIS, and remote sensing, the carbon cycle, water resources, and the effects of climate change. Created machine learning and data prediction models and has published articles in prestigious publications and conferences.
Research Assistant
May, 2019 - 2021
Chuncheon, South Korea
Tools: GIS, Machine Learning(Tensorflow), Jupyter Notebooks, AWS, Linux, Git, SWAT, WHAT, LOADSET, SATEEC, VFSMOD
Skills: Python, R
- Research Keyword: Hydrology, Water Quality, GIS, Machine Learning, Remote Sensing, Climate Change
Nov, 2017 - May, 2019
National Institute of Environmental Research
Incheon, South Korea
Tools: GIT, Linux(OS), GIS, SWAT
Skills: Python, R
- Examine the watershed management of Jinwi watershed in South Korea by scruitinizing Total Maximum Daily Loads
- The improvement of TDML system in NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research), I participated a project "A stduy on the improvement for TMDL System Enforcement-Analysis of the pollutant load contribution and the eastabilishment of the monitoring standards for decentrailized wastewater treatement system"
Graduate Research Assistant
Aug, 2015 - Aug, 2017
Brookings, South Dakota, United States
Skills: R, Python
- Research Keyword: Hydrology, Water Quality, Best Management Practices, GIS
- Assessed the impact of land use change, grassland establishment, and grassland operation on water quantity and water quality using SWAT
Research Summary
Peer-Reviewed Papers
Oral and Posters
Research Interest Keyword: Non-point source pollution modeling (Soil erosion, Modeling of water quantity and quality from stream, paddy field, and farm land) Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling, Climate change application, Application of Geographic Information System (GIS), ArcGIS programming using Python, Water resource management, or related disciplines Environmental policy & management, Remote Sensing, Machine & Deep learning
Hong, J., Lee, S., Bae, J.H., Lee, J., Park, W.J., Lee, D., Kim, J., Lim, K.J. 2020. Development and Evaluation of the Combined Machine Learning Models for the Prediction of Dam Inflow. Water 2020, 12, 2927
Hong, J., Lim, K. J, Shin, Y.C., Jung, Y. 2015. Quantifying Contribution of Direct Runoff and Baseflow to Rivers in Han River System, Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, 48-4 (in Korean)
Ahiablame, L., Sheshukov, A., Mosase, E, Hong, J. 2019. Modelling the Impacts of Grassland to Cropland Conversion on River Flow Regimes in Skunk Creek Watershed, Upper Midwest United States, River Research and Application, 35(9), 1454-1465.
Thesis for Master's degree
Modeling Streamflow and Water Quality Impacts of Grassland Establishment, Conversion, and Management in Skunk Creek Watershed, Thesis for the Degree of Master, South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota, USA, Aug. 2017
Posters & Oral Presentation
2017, July, Hong, J., Mosase, E., Ahiablame, L. Assessing Hydrologic and Water Quality Impacts of Grassland Establishment in Skunk Creek Watershed. 2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Poster Presentation.
2017, April, Hong, J., Mosase, E., Ahiablame, L. Assessing Hydrologic and Water Quality Impacts of Grassland Establishment in Skunk Creek Watershed. 2017 Western South Dakota Hydrology Meeting, Oral presentation
2016, Oct, Hong, J., Mosase, E., Ahiablame, L. Assessing Hydrologic and Water Quality Impacts of Grassland Establishment in Skunk Creek Watershed. 2016 Eastern South Dakota Hydrology Meeting, Oral presentation.
2016, April, Hong, J., Mosase, E., Ahiablame, L. Assessing Hydrologic and Water Quality Impacts of Grassland Establishment in Skunk Creek Watershed. 2016 Western South Dakota Hydrology Meeting, Poster presentation.
2015, Oct, Hong, J., Ahiablame, L., Lim, K. J. Evaluating Water Quality Impact of Grassland Establishment. 2015 International SWAT Conference, Poster presentation.
2012, May, Hong, J., Ryu, J. C., Kum, D. H., Jang, C. H., Lim, K. J. Analysis of effects on spatio-temporal changes in L-THIA. 2012 Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association, Poster presentation
Development of Prediction technology of Surface Soil Environmental change based on Big Data, Korea, Jan 1, 2020 to present.
Development of Soil Security Initiative in Korea, Jan 1, 2020 to present.
Study on fluctuation of baseflow, water quality characteristics and, streamflow recovery plan, Korea, Jan 1, 2020 to present.
Water quality, aquatic ecosystem, and Best Management Practices implications of discharge of dam (II), Korea, Sep 19, 2019 to present.
A Study on the Improvement for TMDL System Enforcement : To analyze the Pollutant load contribution and to establish the monitoring standards on decentralized wastewater treatment system, Korea, Jan 1, 2018 to Dec 31, 2018
Hydrologic and water quality implications of changing land use and climate in South Dakota, United States, May 27, 2015 to Sep 30, 2017.
Development of soil erosion reduction techniques with vegetation control and engineering method, and for environment-friendly urban land development, Korea, Apr. 1, 2012 to Mar. 31, 2013.
Monitoring and evaluation of NPS pollution priority management region IV (Soyanggang dam watershed), Korea, Apr. 4, 2012 to Nov. 30, 2012.
Development of effective management techniques for rural NPS pollution, Korea, Jun. 1, 2011 to May. 31, 2012.
A quantification study on the reduction effect of Agricultural non-point source pollution in rural areas, Korea, Mar. 16, 2011 to Dec. 31, 2011.
Department of Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering (Graduate School, Research Assistantship), South Dakota State University, United States. 2015 - 2017
Department of Regional Infrastructure Engineering (Undergraduate School, Scholarship),Kangwon National University, Republic of Korea. 2011 - 2014
Love to talk about my research :) Feel Free to send me E-mail
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
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